Go to irs.gov/your-account using the phone's browser. Pick the option for signing into an individual account. (Even if you don't have an account yet) If you have ID.me just sign in. Look around in your account on the website for your IP PIN.
To make an account, click on the appropriate link. Follow the instructions. Using a smart phone take a good picture of your driver's licence, both front and back (outside the web app for ID.me). You can do this in advance. Upload the pictures to the ID.me application when asked. Using the smart phone, provide a video of your face (done within the ID.me web app) when asked. After a bit of time you should get an ID.me account. If you have trouble, elect the "video interview" which will require some wait.Then sign into your IRS account (or you might already be signed in by ID.me), look around the website for your IP PIN.