Seattle Sailing Weather Links
Forecasts, analysis, data
- Washington Marine Weather - From U.W. Atmospheric Sciences Dept.
- Washington Marine Weather - From NOAA
Note: the links above have basically the same information, but some may have been updated more recently and some may download faster than others.
- Weather Underground
Seattle, WA forecast - Environment Canada Weather
All of coastal B.C.
- U.W. Atmospheric Sciences Home Page
- Cliff Mass Weather Blog - Discussion of the current weather picture by UW Professor Cliff Mass
- NOAA Seattle Home Page
- Ocean Prediction Center - lots of weather maps
NOAA Tides and Currents
WRF models from UW.
The forecasts are initialized at 0 or 12 UTC, (1700 or 0500 PDT), and the "Forecast Hour" is relative to that time.
Note Universal Time is used for these forecasts, also labeled GMT. (subtract 7 from UTC to get PDT or 8 to get PST)
SLP stands for Sea Level Pressure.
The 36km domain maps cover the Pacific and Western US and Canada; the 12km domain maps show more detail over the Northwest. The 1.3km domain maps have the most detail and show the Puget Sound weather. The 1.3km domains take the longest to finish, and they may not be available for your desired forecast time. If the 1.3km domain is not available, try the 4km domain, or find an earlier run.Find your desired "product." Select your desired forecast hour and plot, hit "submit selection" and see what you get! The correct PDT for the forecast is given at the top of the map.
- Predict Wind
- Current Observations at West Point. There is a link to the marine forecast here too.
Current Observations at Smith Island. and Tatoosh.
List of pressure differences.
Maps of Surface Conditions and more around Washington
Western Washington Surface Readings
Map of Surface Readings From UW Atmospheric Sciences. See how the weather is changing across the area. Helps visualize the pressure gradientsThe red numbers are the Farenheit temperature, the blue ones the dew point, and the green ones give the pressure in tenths of a mbar difference from 1000 mbar. So, for example, a reading of 58 48 166 means temp 58, dew point 48 degrees F and pressure 1016.6 mbar.
Observations for the past 12 hours.
The UW gives lists of observations for many stations, arranged by time. Pick "current", or a number of hours ago in their box, then hit "go." Current Weather at Sea-Tac from the National Weather Service. This page contains links to other NWS information.